55% of previously infertile women who participated in a mind body infertility programme conceived within a year, compared to only 20% in a control group that used no mind body techniques.


Discovering that starting a family might not be as straightforward as you had hoped can be a lonely and fearful place.

At Sage Fertility we re-write the fertility journey; replacing despair with hope. A combination of physical well-being practices and scientifically-proven psychological tools make up our Mind and Body Workshops.

It is about emotional care and body wellness. About acquiring skills and sharing knowledge in an intimate group setting to create support and community…. to help you on the road to becoming a parent.

Your Journey

Whatever stage of your fertility journey you are at, we have the perfect programme for you...




Who We Are


Sage Fertility is directed by Dr. Ciara Byrne and Dr. Laura McKee. They combine their expertise as professional mind-body medicine teacher, clinician, professor, and researchers with an expertise and passion for reproductive health. Both bring to the programme the empathy and understanding that comes from experiencing infertility first-hand.

The team also includes consulting experts who specialize in reproductive psychology, eastern medicine, neuroscience, habit change & goal setting, and fertility yoga.

Dr. Berger proudly endorses Sage Fertility Mind Body Programme:

Mind body practices and psychological tools, such as those taught in Dr. Ciara Byrne’s program can of enormous benefit to patients undergoing infertility. For any woman and couple out there struggling with fertility, I would strongly encourage you to invest the time and energy into learning these tools.”

Dr. Merle Berger co-founded Boston IVF which, rapidly became the largest and most successful IVF clinic in the world.

Dr Laura McKee

Dr Ciara Byrne

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Online tools designed to support you during this challenging time